About us

The EXIM Romania Insurance – Reinsurance Company (EximAsig) was established as a professional entity, specialized in the insurance of financial risks, both for the export operations, and for the domestic commercial operations.
Licensed in August 2010 for the operation of credit and guarantee insurances, the company extended its activity during the year 2011 by obtaining the licence to operate other 6 insurance classes: fire and natural calamity insurances, insurances for property damages, general liability insurances, accident insurances, goods in transit insurances and financial losses insurances.
In order to offer its customers a complete cover, so as they would not be obliged to segment their risks, one year later EximAsig extended once again its activity for other 2 insurance classes: insurances of air transportation means and civil liability insurances for air transportation means.

EximAsig holds in its portfolio 30 products afferent to these classes. The products are addressed to the companies that perform commercial activities with foreign and domestic partners in the field of constructions, production of goods and industrial goods, road, shipping, air transportations, service supplies, exports and IT industry.

EximAsig’s registered and subscribed capital is 38.821.998 RON.

Our Mission

EximAsig’s mission is to provide our customers with efficient financial protection products that protect their companies’ patrimony and to supply consultancy services with a view to preparing adequate financial protection plans for our customers’ specific activity points.

EximBank – 97.0509 % contribution in the share capital;

Individuals – 2.9491 % contribution in the share capital.